I'm pleasantly surprised that it did not take that long to create - I did spend forever trying to make it look 'right' however and then another few hours dragging things around the screen while I put off writing anything. But now no more excuses, the time has come.
I'm currently on secondment in London, which unfortunately means that I work a bit too hard some (most) of the time, but I am fulfilling a dream that I have had since I was a little girl. I love the fast-paced environment and constant movement. It always makes me wonder where everyone is trying to get to and what are they thinking about while they gracefully overtake tourists who walk through London underground stations with dazed expressions of pure panic and excitement.
View of London from the London Eye - December 2010 |
I love how easy it is to travel from London, in April I spent 5 days in New York and realised a new dream to take the place of my 'London dream': I want to live in New York for a few months. This has surprised me, because up until recently I did not have much of a desire to go to the States, but now I am constantly looking up flights and imagining myself exploring the streets of a city that is so similar to London yet so different.
Stature of Liberty - New York - April 2011 |
Not only do I live for travelling, but I absolutely love taking photos of the places I've been and the things I've done. Whenever I go on a trip I always make sure my camera is packed... even before I check that I have my passport and tickets. This was my main motivation to to start a blog - I wanted somewhere that I can post my photos so others can see them. Therefore, most of the photos I will post will be my own.
So, I have mentioned my passion for travelling and photography... I also love cooking. I specifically enjoy finding a really complicated recipe and making it - without a trial run - for a dinner party. My latest obsession is making a layer cake - the more layers the better. Unfortunately I don't have the right equipment so it will have to wait till I move back to South Africa in January where I will have access to my mother's kitchen.
Finally, I love music! I can't play anything - but I listen to it all the time and am constantly on the lookout for a new band or song that I can listen to on repeat till I know all the lyrics. The music I like changes all the time and depends largely on my mood. At the moment my favourite song is 'To the Wind - Eastern Conference Champions' and my favourite band is Kings of Leon. I saw them play at Hyde Park in June and it was one of the best experiences of my life!
Search Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, you might like them. They're my absolute fave at the moment!