Saturday 24 March 2012

Cape Town #2

The last weekend I spent in Cape Town was rather busy! My mother and brother came down for his half term and I tried to pack as much into the weekend as possible!

Morning tea at the Mount Nelson

Wine Tasting at Meerendal in Durbanville. I really enjoyed their  Heritage Block Pinotage and Pinotage Rose.

I took my brother and cousin on a boat trip around the Simon's Town Harbour

Finally, we went through to Kalk Bay for a seafood lunch and walk through the harbour
My not so baby Baby brother

Cape Town is a beautiful city with loads of interesting places to see and experiences to have. That said, I am thrilled to be back in Johannesburg - life just happens here at a faster pace! 

There doesn't always seem like there is as much to do as there is in the Cape, but my friend El is on a mission to prove that wrong! But I'll keep my "Jozi" adventures for another day!