Sunday 11 December 2011


Macaroons from Laduree
Picnics in the parks
 Christmas market along Champs Elysée
Sunset boat ride on the Seine
Exploring Montmartre

These are some of the things I did in Paris a few weeks ago when I was there with my mom and my sister. We had a lovely weekend and I'm really looking forward to the next family trip we all go on! 

Once again, I took hundreds of photos! I could never include all of them here but I do hope you enjoy the ones I have posted below.  My favourite photos of the set are those where the famous Paris landmarks are not the main focus, but rather captured in the background against which everyone goes about their daily lives. 

Sacre Coeur and Montmartre

Arc de Triomphe

Sacre Coeur and Montmartre

Sacre Coeur

Sacre Coeur

Eiffel Tower

Tuileries Garden

Notre Dame

As its getting closer and closer to Christmas, I have started thinking about what presents to buy for my friends and family. Once again I think it is likely to turn into an Internet shopping spree - as I am not sure when I'm going to find the time to make my way to the shops. I will be updating my pinterest boards with any cute ideas I come across :).

I know I have mentioned the following singers quite recently, but I just wanted to share  some more of their music. I have been listening to these singers/bands on repeat for a little while now. I've also included the new single from the Black keys - I have listened to their music for a while  - but have only heard their new single in the past few days! Amazing!!

Lana Del Rey - Born to Die (Album out on 31 Jan - think it will be my birthday present myself!) 

Florence and the Machine - No Light, No Light (Fantastic Album! and stunning video)

The Black Keys - Lonely Boy (I will buy this album this week! I think this will be amazing to play really loud when I'm driving again next month!)

I hope everyone has a fantastic week and if you have any new music suggestions/gift ideas or things to do in London before I leave, drop me a note!